Capa do livro: CAMPINAS SCHOOL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY <BR> Selected Works on Economic Theory and International Political Economy <BR> Campinas School of Political Economy Book Series Volume 1

Selected Works on Economic Theory and International Political Economy
Campinas School of Political Economy Book Series Volume 1

Autores: Alex Wilhans Antonio Palludeto - Mariano Francisco Laplane (Editors)

Campinas School of Political Economy: Selected Works on Economic Theory and International Political Economy is the first volume of Campinas School of Political Economy Series, an effort to bring to a wider international audience a compilation of key manuscripts and contributions that are part of the intellectual history of the Institute of Economics at the University of Campinas (IE/Unicamp). This volume comprises 22 chapters, divided into three parts, a small but core sample of the critical reflection developed in the institution in the past five decades covering topics related to economic theory and international political economy. Originally published in Portuguese in the period from 1975 to 2013 and now translated to English, contributions include chapters of doctoral theses or books, articles and working papers, representing an invitation to deepen our knowledge of historical contributions made by authors and researchers of one of the most important and influential centers of heterodox economics and critical thinking in Brazil.

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ISBN DIGITAL:978-65-251-3775-9
DOI: 10.24824/978652513779.7
Ano de edição: 2023
Distribuidora: EDITORA CRV
Número de páginas: 460
Formato do Livro: 16x23 cm
Número da edição:1

CAMPINAS SCHOOL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY <BR> Selected Works on Economic Theory and International Political Economy <BR> Campinas School of Political Economy Book Series Volume 1


Professor at the Institute of Economics of the University of Campinas (IE/Unicamp) and coordinator of the Center for the Study of International Economic Relations (2018-2022) at the same institution. Currently, he is also a professor in the Graduate Program in International Relations of San Tiago Dantas (Unesp, Unicamp, PUC-SP). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from IE/Unicamp (2016), where he also completed his Master’s degree in Economics (2012) and Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2009). His main research areas are Political Economy, Monetary and Financial Economics, International Political Economy, History of Economic Thought, and Macroeconomics.


Professor at the Institute of Economics of the University of Campinas (IE/Unicamp). Graduated in Social Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1980), he holds a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of California, Berkeley (1982), and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Campinas (1992). He was the director of IE/Unicamp (2007-2011), president of the Center for Management and Strategic Studies in Science, Technology, and Innovation (CGEE) in Brasilia (2011-2017), and Executive Director of International Relations at the University of Campinas (2017-2021). He has research on Industrial Development, working on the following topics: Industrial Competitiveness, Industrial and Innovation Policy, Regional Integration, and Foreign Direct Investment.